
なんだか長かったような短かったような.... 2016年最初の一ヶ月間でした。 前回のブログ後パット・メセニーさんから 下記のようなとっても幸せなEmailをいただきました。 hi mika, happy new year! it was so great to meet you at that wacky/cool event. probably like you, we went not having any idea what to expect…and meeting you both there was an extra treat. you were asking about me writing something for your duo….i would love to do that. it would be a real challenge for me and a thrill to hear you all play it. the issue for me as always, and i am sure it is the same for you guys, is time - everything is booked so far in advance now…i have 4 projects coming up i have to write for and a fair amount of touring in there this year as well to go with it all. i think i could commit to writing something in about a year, with you all getting it sometime in early 2017. i am doing right now (a piece for the LA guitar quartet),what i am writing for them is a 25 minute suite for their next record and tour. i am pretty sure i could come up with something cool f...